Ken's Photo Blog

Monday, March 13, 2006

ill or discolored

Couple of scenarios:

You don't feel well.

Went to the tanning bed....for the first time this season....yesterday or today!

If you don't feel well because of a cold, flu or something like "pink eye" you should:

Go to your senior photo session anyway....because touch ups in the computer can fix everything! Yeah right! Some fixes work but cost you more and some yuck looks can't be fixed totally. A side benefit is you might get the photographer sick so he won't be feeling well when you have to pay for a re-shoot! Point is, if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see because you feel and reschedule.

Tanning beds are great for the look you might want....but don't start that tan the day before your senior photo session...or that morning! The tan will look great after a few sessions....but that first tanning session will leave you nice pink or skin! Another thing that cost more to fix in the computer!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Senior picture weather

We've had some beautiful days lately in South Louisiana. These sunny days are ones people look for when shooting personal pictures. However, many of the best Senior pictures are created on cloudy days when professionals can manipulate the light! Of course when you get the glare away from the face you have to carefully place controlled light back on the face to light the eyes.

Even on bright, sunny days great images can be created late in the afternoon up to the moment the sun crashes.

Take a look at my website The outdoor images were taken late in the day on mostly cloudy days.

Try not to force your photographer to create images at the wrong time of day....unless he or she can manipulate the light!