Ken's Photo Blog
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Judge Andrew Napolitano
Judge Andrew Napolitano recently spoke to the Lafayette Republicans and the Acadiana Republic Women. I felt honored to be chosen as the event photographer! It was great meeting and hearing Judge Napolitano. I'm posting a few of the images here in color as well as black and white. Please tell which you prefer.
When you need an event photographer give me a call! 337-380-9671.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Carl the Oyster Man
This is Carl the oyster shucker at the Crescent City Brew House on Decatur in New Orleans. One of my favorite places. Great food, great beer ( obviously! ) and nice people like Carl. This painting is available as a print on fine art paper for purchase in sizes from 8x10 to 16x20. Call me at 337-380-9671 for prices.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Three images I recently painted. The vase and flower image is an original photograph created by Darrell Chitty, The Cotswolds, England. The home is the Butler Greenwood Plantation in St. Francisville, LA and the gent is world famed artist and instructor Jeremy Sutton. Jeremy's image was captured at the Magnolia Cafe, St. Francisville LA.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Great relationship
I have neighbors getting ready to celebrate their 25th anniversary and of course they had no portraits done since the wedding! They were great to work with and I think the images show that. Leave a comment for me. If you are celebrating a milestone or have parents celebrating soon and they have no recent portraits, give me a call at 337-380-9671.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, September 25, 2008
New Baby on the way?
After many requests, Ken Romero Photography is proud to offer to new parents “Watch Me Grow” as a great way to document all the changes in your baby during the first year of life.
With the “Watch Me Grow” program, Ken Romero Photography will reserve four photography sessions exclusively for your child. Sessions at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months will capture all the subtle changes that take place during baby’s first year. One image from each session will be presented as part of a four image 10 x 20 inch mounted print at the end of your baby’s first year. We suggest black & white images for a “timeless” look.
“Watch Me Grow” is available for only $225.00! Pay only $75.00 at baby’s first three sessions, and the fourth session is free!
Approximately 2 weeks after each “Watch Me Grow” session, images will be presented to you for viewing in a fully produced CD with appropriate music. You’ll be able to take this presentation home for your family and friends to see. After viewing the CD you can choose one image for inclusion in the final “Watch Me Grow” 10 x 20 inch print. This CD will expire in 30 days but you will have the option to buy a lifetime-viewing CD and we’ll explain that in a moment.
To get started call 337-380-9671 to enroll your baby in the “Watch Me Grow” program and book your first session. After enrolling we’ll have tips and suggestions to make each session as productive as possible!
At each session we’ll reserve a date and time to view the images and of course, the next “Watch Me Grow” session.
After each “Watch Me Grow” session you’ll receive a fully produced CD presentation with appropriate music to take home to show your family and friends. This CD is valid for 30 days after which time it will expire. You will be able to purchase a lifetime-viewing CD with a $250 minimum purchase from each session.
To enroll your baby in the “Watch Me Grow” program call Ken Romero Photography at 337-380-9671 to reserve your first session now!
We’re very flexible with scheduling but your baby’s development happens at Mother Nature’s pace! We have a limited number of openings each month so we urge you to enroll your baby today. The changes that occur between sessions will amaze you and we want to insure that you don’t miss any of them!
Call 337-380-9671 today to enroll your baby in Ken Romero Photography’s “Watch Me Grow” program or to let us answer any questions you might have.
Portrait Gift Certificates make great Gifts
For just $75.00 you can give a family portrait session to someone so they can have priceless memories. Buy the gift certificate for Christmas to make shopping easier and the recipient can schedule the portrait session after the holidays. Call me at 337-380-9671 to purchase.